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Thursday 8 July 2010

Metroline CELF Centre Part 6

Another visit to CELF Centre and another oddity, they just keep on coming, this time in the shape of VNZ32343 LK53 LZD from Alperton Garage (ON) which is less than a 10 minute drive away. This vehicle is part of a batch of 20 vehicles that were allocated to the Route 92 in September 2003 although the caption below shows it blinded for the 79.

 Interestingly it is part of the batch of vehicles that is set to transfer to Greenford Garage (G) in November 2010 which is also 10 minutes down the road. The reason for this vehicle being at the CELF Centre today is for M.O.T and a chassis clean before it can be deemed road worthy. Its nothing out of the ordinary to see First vehicles at the Centre as there is normally a TN or a TNL present however it is odd to see a First vehicle with a Gemini body as these normally go to Greenford or Hayes for maintenance. Other things to note at the Centre was TNL32916 which has just arrived and sits next to TN33173 which is due to be handed over to First London any day now. There was not much to notice again today other than the Metrobus MCV which has been declined by Metroline and a few former TPs which are due to go off lease to Dawson's Rentals. Credit goes out to the CELF Centre staff for allowing me on the premises and keeping me safe whilst on sight and a reminder that all safety procedures were followed whilst on sight. More shots from the day are placed below.

First London TNL32916 W916 VLN 
Metroline TP372 LR52 KWO
First London VNZ32343 LK53 LZD 
at CELF Centre
Metroline VPL184 Y184NLK
Metroline DP1003 RX51 FNT 
and DA143 T143 AUA
Metroline DA145 T145 AUA
CELF Centre Building 
Metroline TA in clouds 
Metroline VPL209 Y209 NLK 
Metroline DLD121 V134 GBY


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