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Tuesday 26 February 2013

Wrightbus Factory Watch

Thanks to an excellent Paul McClurkin, who lives near the Wrightbus factory, it is my pleasure to announce that from now on, we will be presenting you with a new section entitled 'Wrightbus Factory Watch', the section will contain photos of the manufacturer's Buses on their site in Ballymena. I've always wanted to visit this factory, however due to the expenses involved, I'm sure I will be left out of pocket but now due to him we can host photos with his permission.

The 'picture above' shows one of the new Borismaster Buses, which I suspect has just assembled in preparation for the Route 24's from which they will relieve the VWs and WVHs of their duties from June 2013 when these begin operating on the route. Visually there are no different to the 8 prototypes that are currently operating on the Route 38 however they have had electrical rectifications to make them more reliable.

If my assumptions are correct about this bus, this is one of the 32 (LT9 - 40) Buses that will be allocated to Metroline's Holloway Garage and will start being delivered from April onward.  This particular vehicle weighs a monstrous 12,460kgs. A keen eye will notice an Arriva London DB300 (DW) in the background of the photo.


at: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 5:15:00 pm said...

VWH? By any Chance.
Nice Post which will be unique to the blog.
1 Question, how regularly will the 'Wrightbus Watch' Post come up?

Jay says:
at: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 7:28:00 pm said...

Thanks for your concern,

This section is all dependant on how much times the photographer visits this location. He doesn't live far from it and should be getting pictures every fortnight or so. Keep your eyes peeled.

Kind Regards

at: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 7:42:00 pm said...

Consider proof reading...

Apostrophes are rarely in evidence and the "picture above", not the "caption above"!

Jay says:
at: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 7:52:00 pm said...

Many thanks for your feedback


Unknown says:
at: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 8:01:00 pm said...

I can see another NBfL reflected off it but it hasn't been painted yet.
Nice post by the way.

at: Thursday, February 28, 2013 1:23:00 am said...

is that an aircon pod on the roof? Also funny how the goal posts change i thought TfL specified silver wheels on vehicles and not painted

Jay says:
at: Thursday, February 28, 2013 8:58:00 am said...

Thank you James for your kind comments :)

Also @Anonymous it certainly does look like an aircon unit on the roof, I don't recall seeing this on the other models that are currently in service...maybe TfL have learnt from their mistakes, nevertheless its still an awful Bus

Also considering this is a TfL product so to speak, they can pretty much do as they please.

at: Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:42:00 am said...

The next route that should get NB4L should be the 55 from T. The 55 would be the first bus to serve Oxford Street with NB4L after the 55 I'd say the 11 it's amazing that the 24 got NB4Ls before it I personally think the 11 deserved them more especially seeing how the 24 JUST got new buses but the 24 does deserve them inits own right.
A First Route that should get them is the RV1
A London United Route that should also get them is the 9
An Abellio Route should be the 40
These are just my opinions/ suggestions.

at: Monday, April 22, 2013 7:27:00 pm said...

The next route to be fully served with NB4L should be the 73 to be the first bendy bus route to be fully served with NB4L which will be amazing.

at: Sunday, August 04, 2013 10:07:00 pm said...

9 definitely wouldn't get NB4L's, I know alot of drivers at V - They LOVE the ADH's on 27 so it seems feasible to me that V would opt for ADH's to be on route 9 as well.

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