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Sunday 9 January 2011

SELs on the 297...Finally!

Its been a long coming now. In June 2010 Metroline announced that they were to introduce some of their SEL Class Vehicles (Scania Olympus) double deckers onto to the Route 297. 7 SELs in total would move from  PV (Perivale East) to PA (Perivale West) with the numbers being SEL803 - 809.

SEL804 LK57 KBE on the 297
at Wembley Park Station - Credits to bowroaduk
Its been a long coming now. In June 2010 Metroline announced that they were to introduce some of their SEL Class Vehicles (Scania Olympus) double deckers onto to the Route 297. 7 SELs in total would move from  PV (Perivale East) to PA (Perivale West) with the numbers being SEL803 - 809. The reason behind this is because early in 2010, Metroline made the decision to transfer the Route 460 to AC (Willesden) using spare VPs (Volvo Plaxton Presidents) of the Routes 6 and 98.Following the withdrawal of the Route 460 from PV this would mean that 7 SELs originally ordered for the 205 back in 2007 would be surplus to requirements at the Garage. So Metroline decided they would move the 7 SELs to PA and on the same day move the 70 from PA to PV. Following the transfer of the SELs to PA this would allow the company to move the 6 TEs to W (Cricklewood) to top up on the new TEs that were already arriving to W in mass numbers, this would save the company much needed money. The moves were all expected to take place on the 11th of December however due to dreadful weather conditions some of the moves were delayed and it was only the Routes 70 and 460 that transferred to their expected Garages and not the SELs to PA. Two weeks later the SELs finally transferred to PA with only SEL804 , SEL 805 and SEL809 being reported in service. Word is from the engineers is that they are a pain to drive and, but thats what happens when you order the Scania Chassis!

SEL804 LK57 KBE on the 297
at Wembley Park Station - Credits to London Bus Man


at: Monday, January 10, 2011 5:49:00 pm said...

I like the SEL's! Nice looking vehicles and such a smooth ride! Shame metroline don't have more of these vehicles

at: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 12:26:00 am said...

Yes i agree but they can also be bought on an E400 chassis (Like the ones that run on the 151 and 213) or Optare's own Olympus Chassis.

at: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 9:18:00 am said...

These Have Actully Been In Service On The 297 For Weeks, So Nothing New Here

Jay says:
at: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 5:38:00 pm said...

I'd prefer it on a Volvo Chassis! But I have to agree with Jack, I like the E400/Olympus a lot!

at: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 12:56:00 am said...

Also with the Volvo MCV DD103 my understanding is they are only in operation in West Sussex at the moment. Do you know if these are likely to be operation on any London routes any time soon?

at: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 2:24:00 pm said...

I prefer these scanias with the omnicity body! The SP's that transdev own are great products! The cab area looks like the starship enterprise! You either love or hate these buses! This blog however is fantastic!! Thank u to all those who work hard to provide this website!

Jay says:
at: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 4:57:00 pm said...

Jack you mean Wessex, that Bus was originally delivered to Go Ahead's Merton Garage on the 3rd of June 2010. But it was classed as too heavy for TFL Service. However Go Ahead London General have one in build right now.

Anonymous thank you for your kind comments!


at: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:58:00 pm said...

Yes that is what i meant, I thought so as i remember reading that you had missed a double decker prototype by one day at Merton Garage. Im guessing that a lighter one might be built for TFL services with it being added to the poll for the 105 re tendering.

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