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Monday 14 June 2010

Metroline Perivale West Garage [PA] & Metroline CELF Centre

After an interesting visit to CELF, I made my way to Perivale West Garage (PA) which is literally 1 minute away, the garage is home to the Route 70,143,297,326,C11 and E6. The garage arguably has some of the best performing buses in the company due to the fact CELF Centre, which is Metroline's central engineering facility is just 1 minute away so PA Buses always get seen to as soon as a defect is reported on the log card. 

The garage has a full Dennis chassis operation, with only Dennis Buses and Trident Buses operating from this base, however when I arrived I got the pleasant shock of seeing VP566 LK04 ELC which is a Volvo Plaxton President bus that is based at AC. The reason it was at the garage was due to the fact, there was not much space at CELF today because of various different activities such as the 52 Reg TPs awaiting approval then collecting by Dawson's Rentals, so VP566 had to stand inside here for the best part of 10 minutes while it waited other Buses to depart. It then took the space of VPL170 Y196 NLK which is also an AC (Willesden) Garage Bus. Other things to take not of was DLF125 Y641 AVV which is the super-long 10.8m Dart which is set to be decommissioned before returning to Dawson's Rentals.

DLF125 Y641AVV at Perivale West Garage 
VPL170 Y196NLK at CELF Centre
VP566 LK04ELC at Perivale West Garage 
TE895 LK08NVL at Perivale West Garage
DE867 LK08DXA at Perivale West Garage
DLF125 Y641AVV and DE953 LK58CSY 
TP454 Refurbished at CELF Offside 
TP454 Refurbished at CELF Offrside 
TP454 Refurbished at CELF
TN32906 W906VLN at CELF Centre
TA96 T196CLO at CELF Centre


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