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Wednesday 25 January 2012

London United Storage Yard

Today we took a trip to a secret London United storage yard that we had recieved word about. The new site holds all the vechiles which were previously on the Atlas Road site prior to First's new garage opening. Align Left
DP60, T360PRH & DP86, V886FKH

The yard currently houses around 40 buses which are VA's & DP's from Hounslow (AV) and Shepherd's Bush (S) garages. Up until mid last year these buses saw daily serivce on Routes 220, 222, H37 and H98. Our kind thanks must go to the staff who allowed us onto the site to get our snaps. More pictures from the visit can be found below:

DP71, T371PRH & DP50, T350PRH

DP93, V793FKH & DP81, V781FKH

VA89, W119EON, VA78,V194OOE & VA88, W118EON

DP98, V798FKH
DP72, T372PRH

DP85, V785FKH
A line up of the buses on site

A line up of the buses on site


at: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 7:36:00 pm said...

Many of these are up for sale, at least one of the trade mags has an advert for 10.2m darts £4500 +vat or 10.7m darts for £4999 +vat. I suspect the expensive TfL spec puts off low cost Operators who would buy a 13 year old bus

Fred the Shred
at: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 9:47:00 pm said...

I suspect the high cost of converting these vehicles to single door format plus the associated costs of repositioning the ramp is another major factor in why vehicles of this vintage are hard to sell.
Unfortunately I reckon a lot of these (and those of others) will face the cutters torch before too long.

By the way is anyone able to supply pictures of buses in scrapyards??

at: Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:51:00 pm said...

Why couldn't they continue using them as double door buses?

at: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:54:00 am said...

Are these buses leased or owned? (since these are the earliest buses VAs and DPs, and there are no other leasing company's buses there, I suspect they're owned).
London United do seem to accumulate a lot of old buses that can't cascade on elsewhere. That is one thing that large groups such as Go-Ahead, First and Arriva can do.
I remember a/some VAs went to RATP Yellow Buses in Bournemouth a while back...

at: Friday, January 27, 2012 5:14:00 pm said...

Are these buses at the storage yard for a reason?

at: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:18:00 pm said...

I think the London United stored buses are owned, I think they bought them upto 2001 then leased them after. They are at a seperate site because the operating garages are full, and need to be kept off road away from vandals

at: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:34:00 pm said...

Anyone know where the E200s from the 493 are going to go once London united lose the contract?

Bugs Bunny
at: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 6:00:00 pm said...

Would it be possible if London Sovereign bought these buses?

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