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Thursday 24 February 2011

Abellio London Walworth Garage [WL]...Revisit...Ex Armchair DTs...Route 172 New Vehilces

Its not often I visit a Garage twice within close succession of the first visit. Those of you who read the Blog regularly will know that I visited here in January however I had to visit again after I received news that some Ex Armchair ALX400s had been delivered here early following the take up of the Route 172.

There are set to be 14 of these Buses delivered here within the coming weeks, with 6 already delivered. The Buses have been extensively refurbished and now contain Abellio London's Livery as well as their interior trim with the Abellio Seat Moquette. Surprisingly the new Buses contain Powerblinds, or Smartblinds 'if you like that'. If I am being totally honest I do not like these vehicles at all but nevertheless I still provided the photos. So enjoy.

More Photos Below:
Abellio 9832 KN52 NDD and KN52 NFA

Abellio 9043 BX55 XMT

Abellio 9842 KN52 NEY and
Abellio 9833 KN52 NDE

Route 381

Abellio KN52 NFA

Abellio KN52 NFA Interior
Abellio 9842 KN52 NEY


at: Friday, February 25, 2011 4:42:00 pm said...

Am i right in thinking that these operated for Armchair at Brentfors on the 237 then on the same route for Metroline and then they moved them elsewhere and now Abellio have bought them?


at: Friday, February 25, 2011 8:37:00 pm said...

I don't they were bought... with five year contracts bus companies are going down the leasing path. Partly not a surprise Abellio changing the blind box as new buses (also change of operators) require these blind box showing destination and number. As to powerblinds it's down to the operator.

I suspect the leasing charges/agreement have been met as these Armchair tridents have been regrouped together. Of course the same batch a couple are on the Kingston University contract.

at: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:05:00 pm said...

Also, TWH of Waltham Abbey (Essex) had KN52NDY for a while, which is very likely to be rented as TWH would probably not be able to afford to buy a new-ish double decker. I haven't seen it for a while now, so will be interesting if anyone knows whats happend to it.

Jay says:
at: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:55:00 pm said...

Jack you are absolutely right. These did operate with Armchair and later Metroline on the 237. The last of them went back off lease to Dawsons Rentals in 2009.


at: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 10:17:00 pm said...

They were replaced with Trident Plaxton Presidents (TP), 52-reg.
When the new contract started last year, Wright Eclipse Gemini 2s (VW) have been used on the route.

Unknown says:
at: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 4:56:00 pm said...

Partly not a surprise Abellio changing the blind box as new buses (also change of operators) require these blind box showing destination and number. The Buses have been extensively refurbished and now contain Abellio London's Livery as well as their interior trim with the Abellio Seat Moquette.

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