
Monday 6 June 2011

Metroline CELF Center Part 20...New VWs for the Route 105

Last week Saturday we took a trip to Metroline's CELF Center but did not want to upload any shots due to the fact we wanted to keep the MCV B9TL as the main attraction on the Blog.

VW1175 LK11 CXJ and VW1182 LK11 CXS

Last week Saturday we took a trip to Metroline's CELF Center but did not want to upload any shots due to the fact we wanted to keep the MCV B9TL as the main attraction on the Blog. When we arrived we noticed about 8 VWs all of which have been delivered early for the Route 105 which was won of First in April. The Route will operate using some VWs from their Perivale West Garage which is located just around the corner from the center. When the contract for the 105 was announced it was thought that some TEs will be bought for the Route due to the fact that there are already some at West Perivale where it will operate from, but knowing Metroline they had to something out of the ordinary and bring in a third Chassis to Perivale West! However you can't really blame them.the Volvo B9TL chassis is just simply amazing and far superior in quality to its rival the Trident. More of these VWs are expected in September when Metroline take up the Route 79 from First however they will operate alongside the Route 7 from Perivale East Garage. Interestingly these models weight 12,350 KGS!

More Photos Below:

VW1184 LK11 CXU and VW1180 LK11 CXP

Metroline VW1179 LK11 CXD

Metroline SEL804 LK57 KBE

Metroline VW1178 LK11 CXN

Metroline VW1181 LK11 CXR

Metroline DLD130 V130 GBY

Metroline VP528 LK04 CTV

Metroline DLD207 LN51 KXO


  1. do these new VW`s have the revised rear with the new bumper like on the Wright Streetlite?

    Regards Sam

  2. Nope. Not at all. These VWs have the same rear end as their earlier 59,10 and 60 Reg Sisters.


  3. Nice pics! Hope that London United no longer part of Transdev will order these (VWs) for the 81/120/222 if they are retained instead of the SPs which are uncomfortable and have a rough ride.

  4. Thanks OM!

    I doubt London United will order these are rumor has it they will be sticking to E400s. Also as ADL and Wrights are full up until 2012, they may be forced to order Olympuses or Omnicitys for the 81, 120 and 222 if retained.

  5. Will ever order B5LH buses

  6. Will Metroline ever order B5LH (I meant)

  7. I really doubt it to be honest. But rumor has it that their days of ordering Tridents are over.

  8. I think there is a chance that one of the routes out of 81, 120 and 222 could use existing 56-reg Omnicitys (which have the N94UD chassis), as not doing so would leave 8 buses spare (although there are 15 of these buses, 4 are at HH for Route 698 and 3 are at V for Route 27).

    Also, how realistic do you think the chances are for the 120 to be lost by London United to a different operator (most likely First in this case), as the reliability of the route is not very good these days, and has been like this for a significant part of the current contract (although reliablity must have improved considerably by 2009 for the contract to get extended for 2 years, and this was the case, until 2 months ago).

  9. I reckon the 120 could even be lost to Abellio from Hayes or even Metroline from AH. There's so many possibilities but I don't see London United retaining it. It's so poorly run!

  10. Surely if the price is right they would retain the contract it would also depend on wether the other company's garage's were suitably located TFL are funny like that

  11. Apperently OT12 has been seen driving training today on the H37

  12. when is 120s Tender due?

  13. Bids started being submitted last month on 16 May and can be submitted until 27 June. Result will be announced in September, for the new contract to start on 23 June 2012.

    Source: TfL website

    The current contract started on 25 June 2005. Current PVR is 16, and current timetable started on 5 September 2010.


  14. If First Gain the 120 i hope they will use ADL E400H it could be classified as DNH

  15. 120 couldnt be lost to Abellio Hayes WS And also 251's using new DE's From Transdev

  16. Metroline could also operate the 120 if gained from Perivale West PA

  17. today i saw HV 11 operating ON THE 243!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Nope Metroline couldn't operate it from Perivale West (PA) as it is too full but Perivale East (PV) is an option.

    Thats a first for the HVs straying :)

  19. Did you visit the CELF as you said on flickr.

  20. I didn't get a chance to sorry. Probably have to be Saturday or Sunday now.

  21. You said that Metroline are not ordering tridents any more. I thought HT was getting TEs to replaces the old TPs.

  22. That is what I have bee told and now we don't know for certain if HT is getting TEs to replace the old TEs yet. Because the HT contracts are still un-announced but Metroline have a tendency to change their minds and they may just order Tridents.

  23. More VW are gonna come to PA for 297 and TE's are going. That would make it 2 chassis again.
    Also are they keeping TALs as i've just seen 128 repainted not sure if it has been refurbed inside.

  24. To anonymous person who said "DNH class" on the 120, that's what i've also been thinking about. It almost certainly has to be E400s if the route is run from G, as that's what's already there, as it would be unlikely for First to introduce a new chassis to G. This means it could also use DNs, as there are lots of them alerady there, or E400 Hybrids, because they have extremely quick acceleration, so they're good for a route that suffers a lot of traffic. (And it would also be a first for First!)

    Are there any specific reasons why 10.8m Enviro 400s are not brought for London (although there is one batch that Stagecoach have)?

  25. Poorly operated do u remember firsts orpington saga.

  26. The reason no 10.8m E400s have been ordered for London bar the 56 reg Stagecoach ones is due to the fact the capacity on an E400 is so good that long wheelbase models are not needed.

    Where did you get this information on VWs for the 297 from?

    @Fred The Shred could you please email me

  27. TAL128 has not been refurbished on the inside Fred.

  28. If 297 is getting VWs, I take it that the TEs will transfer to W, PB or EW

  29. Roumors was said that 70 would be using MMs in Oct 2010 is that true?

  30. The TEs of the 297 will more than likely transfer to HT, not W,EW or PB. The 70 does see at least one MM a day as Metroline are testing out the type on the route, in case they do retain that contract.

  31. oh thanx for the details about the MMs

  32. can someone also tell me what are these beeps which sound on the E3 and 94 thanx

  33. That's actually a fault with the E400 its something to do with the electronics of the Bus

  34. No like i hear this double alarm sound on all the buses like not just for E3 and 94 else where like Waterloo bridge all the bus route which pass Waterloo bridge have that Alarm sound

  35. VW1175 and 1179 have been seen in Southall along the 105 route in the last two days, and both were displaying "Special Service" and Metroline logo blinds.

  36. I can tell Metroline will order Volvo B9TL olympus for 52 if it is retained.

  37. The alarm sound referred to above is probably the low bridge warning system. On the 94 and E3 it will sound to warn drivers of the bridge at Turnham Green Station (this is signed at 14'6, so is fine for most double-deckers, but there are a few buses that are 14'8 tall). On Waterloo Bridge it sounds to warn drivers of the height limit in the Strand Underpass.

    There are a few oddities with this system, e.g. on Rosebery Avenue the alarm will sound because there is a low bridge under the street (on Warner Street) rather than overhead!

  38. Hey,
    I was wondering how do you gain access into a garage to take photos do you have to ring them up to ask permission or what do you have to do,
    if anyone could let me know i'd be really grateful.

  39. Sometimes on Cromwell Road (just pass the bus station) there's a low bridge nearby and Tridents/OmniCities on the 57/65/71/281 and WVLs on the 85 make the alarm sound too.

    In regards to the comment on the 14'6 bridge, AV (Hounslow) has a pair of 08 reg OmniCities which are 14'8 and these are often on the 111 and 120 which pass under the Picadilly line in Hounslow and these underpassings are signposted at 14'6.

    Finally (on an unrelated topic) Why does V have about four 56 reg OmniCities?

  40. Thanx Mr anonymous for giving meh the answer to my question i really appreciate it so thanx again

  41. When are 251's DE's Due to Arrive

  42. What buses will 234 get now

  43. The DEs for the 251 will arrive in August. The 234 is not due to get any Buses till after the Olympics so therefore we do not know what type.

  44. When will the VW's for the 79 arrive

  45. oh my bad u put it up there my bad

  46. When are the Dm's for 299 389 399 and w10 due to arrive thanx


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