
Monday 13 December 2010

Metroline CELF Centre Part 16

TP402 LR52KXX waits outside the CELF Centre workshop awaiting disposal to Dawson's Rentals. There were also three other TPs at the workshop today awaiting picking up.

Other than this there were some 7 TEs in light storage while they await delivery to Cricklewood (W) for Routes 16,139,189 and 210. Nothing really to see today at CELF, however next week may make for better photography as PA expect a 7 strong batch of SELs from PV for the Route 297. Excuse the camera quality, these were taken from my Blackberry Bold as my camera battery had died. Thursday will make for much better photography!


TP396 LR52 KXP
TE1104 LK60AHU
TE1094 LK60AHA
TP303 LT02 ZZH
TE1103 LK60AHP

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