
Thursday 23 May 2013

Metroline CELF Centre Part 40

Not quite what I was expecting to see, given the takeover, of First which we are all aware of, I was expecting some First stock such as VNs or a DML...but I guess a kid can dream right? Most of us have established that visits on the blog are now few and far between, this solely owes to both mine and Jack's university commitments. However there are near enough 300 posts on the blog so why not read one of them if you get bored...

The vehicle above is TPL282 LR02 BBX, although the fleet number is hardly recognizable due to the angle I took the shot at. It is seen here devoid of logos as it awaits storage before being written of the company's books. It's always sad to see a vehicle leave London, but especially for me as I do remember when these lovely pieces of kit were new.

Numbered between TPL237 & 296, 59 of these vehicles were delivered to Metroline in February 2002 and split between three garages. TPL237 - 254 were delivered to HD (Harrow Weald) for the passenger increase on the 140. 255 was added later and TPL256 - 296 were split accordingly between HT (Holloway) and PB (Potters Bar) for the Route 82. What made these buses stand out was their weird green luminous bell display, I always found that odd.

So hat Happens next? As we all know, the TPLs are departing as the 82 has now received all of its new buses for the contract which commenced last year March. Holloway also has a large number of TPLs which are also departing. This will leave a void in the fleet at HT.

So once the 24 gains all 32 of its NB4Ls, the VWs from the route (VW1365 - 1388) will then be re-allocated to the 91, the VWHs (VW1360 - 1364) will be allocated to the 4, allowing TE910 - 914 & TE920 - 934 which currently serve the 91 to be transferred out to PB for routes 217 & W8.

Once the TEs transfer to PB, the TPs currently operating on the 217 & W8 will transfer the other way.

What is this being done? It allows PB to have a 100% E400 Body & Chassis operation on their Tfl routes, which makes for easier engineering. In addition to this it makes sense to send the TPs to HT where the President body and Euro3 Trident chassis is numerous.

Below TEH1459 LK13 BHE can be seen resting  in the disposal line at CELF Centre. Its part of 19 strong batch of buses due for the Route 189 (Brent Cross - Oxford Circus). Their numbers range from TEH1449 - 1467 and realistically should have entered service many moons ago, however a problem, rumored to be due to a new fuel filter ADL have used, has halted their entry into service, however a few are now on the road.

TEH1453 LK13 BHE

Final description for the day, goes to our CELF Centre odd visitor, which goes to London Sovereign's DE97 YX11 COH, which coincidentally operates on one of my local routes. Before we go any further, I really reccomend that you get yourself up to Harrow and travel on one of these vehicles. Each seem to hold their own personality with each vehicle sounding different to the other...The vehicles are part of a 43 strong batch of buses which commenced delivery from August 2011 for the new 251, H9/H10,H11,H14 & H17 contracts which began in September 2011.

London Sovereign vehicles are no stranger to the Centre as they can always be seen here coming for M.O.T or as demonstrated below a Chassis clean.

London Sovereign DE97 YX11 COH
London Sovereign DE97 YX11 COH

Well that was the first CELF Centre post in a while, I hope you enjoyed as the next time I visit will be when the transaction of the 5 First garages is complete, which is on the 22nd of June. That's all enjoy the pictures below.

DES794 LK07 BDX - This bus was originally delivered round the corner to PA for the Route E6, which Metroline won
in late 2006 for a contract commencing in July 2007. However due to capacity requirements on the Route, just under a year later they were replaced a fleet of newer and longer E200s which ousted these models to PB.
TP425 LK03 CGF

50 Shades of Pink...



  1. London Sovereign buses all seem to have their own personality - it's happening with the VLEs, SLEs and DEs. A lot of the time you can practically tell which bus you're on by the noise it makes, if you know the fleet well and use them nearly every day (which I do).
    Nice post guys and good luck with your uni stuff :)


  2. Why would there be any First stock at Metroline CELF? They don't take over until the end of June.

  3. why have a seperate company called metroline west. they arent registeres at the same address. 1 question. would some routes from the original metroline transfer to the new garages to save fuel.

  4. I would love to see a VW Metroline on the 240 as a Spare


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