
Sunday 1 April 2012

Metroline CELF Centre Part 34

Edging ever closer to my 50th documented visit to Metroline's CELF Centre, myself and Jack who was also present came across some pretty interesting things today! As I have stated in the past, CELF is just one of those places you can go to and either find something very interesting or it can be quite bland to say the least. However today was just one of those interesting days...

As we arrived we came across a dual door Streetlite that has been built to TFL specification, complete with roundels, IBUS, a Wayfarer machine and Powerblinds. The vehicle is the same vehicle that has been on loan to CT Plus, Blue Triangle and London Sovereign in recent weeks. However it strangely appeared at Cricklewood Garage yesterday (30th of March 2012) and was quickly moved here to CELF, it appears as if the vehicle will be trialled, more than likely on a route such as the 316...However I must say it was very interesting to see this vehicle present today as I did advise Jack prior to coming here that there was a strong possibility that it could be here!

Amid this, there was an abundance of VWs destined for Holloway's Route 134...when I say abundance, I really mean 10! The new VWs are part of a batch 32 vehicles that are due to to take up work on the Route 134 contract, which commenced in February. The new vehicles have been allocated bonnet numbers between VW1257 and VW1288. They will eventually be joined by a further 32 VWs in August and September which will take up duties on the Route 4 and W7 respectively. I have to admit these are beautiful looking vehicles.

VW1258 LK12 AEF is seen at CELF Centre blinded for the 390
Some would say its strange, but Metroline have included the Route 24 on the blinds of these vehicles for one reason or another, interestingly the Route is also up for tender and makes up part of a huge number of routes up for tenders that are outstanding and still awaiting announcements...On the other hand however, it was revealed that it costs the company money to leave blank spaces on the blinds and that it would make sense for Metroline to include 24 as they do have a possibility of winning the route as with other London companies, so that may put that matter to rest for a while yet...

Metroline VW1254 LK12 ADV is seen awaiting entry into CELF Centre blinded for the Route 24.
Also present was DLD709 LK55 KMJ which has just returned from refurbishment at Hant's Dorset Trim as seen below. It is part of a batch of vehicles numbered between 696 - 711 for the Route 214 contract in 2005. They are somewhat unique as they were delivered with Voith Gearboxes as opposed to the normal Allison gearboxes that is preferred with Metroline. For those wondering why there were no logos on this Bus, it is due to the fact that, these are due to operate on the Olympic contracts for which Metroline have been allocated 60 vehicles. A source has also told me that these vehicles are due to transfer to AH (Brentford Garage) to replace the DEs which are set to go to KC (Kings Cross Garage).

Metroline DLD709 LK55 KMJ
However quite possibly the highlight of my day was seeing two of the 05 Plate 6xx TAs return to the company after a refurbishment. These Buses are part of a batch of TAs numbered between TA638 and 659 that were bought and introduced on the Route 266 in 2005. However following the sad loss of the Route 266 to First respectively, it was announced that these buses will be refurbished and put on the Olympic contracts before being assigned to other duties, hence the absence of logos on the bus seen below.

Metroline TA655 LK05 GHB
As expected, more pictures are placed below. However we must remind, that no one is allowed on these premises under any sort of circumstance without prior permission and we must send out a thanks to the CELF Centre team for ensuring our safety was paramount whilst on the premises.

More photos below

Metroline VW1261 LK12 AEU is seen at Metroline's CELF Centre
blinded for the Route 91
TE898 LK08 NVO is seen here at CELF Centre today, which is more familiar territory for this vehicle as it used to be allocated to the Route 297 which runs from the neighbouring Perivale West Garage (PA).

Metroline TE898 LK08 NVO is seen at CELF Centre
Wrightbus Streetlite DRZ9420 nearside
Wrightbus Streetlite DRZ9420 rear nearside

Wrightbus Streetlite DRZ9420 interior facing rear

Wrightbus Streetlite DRZ9420 interior facing front

Wrightbus Streetlite DRZ9420 rear

Metroline TE886 LK08 DXY

Metroline VW1262 LK61 AFO

Metroline TP55 V755 HBY

Metroline TP431 LK03 GFX

Metroline VPL183 Y183 NLK
Metroline VW1244 LK12 AAJ at CELF Centre blinded for the N20
Two of a kind stand together inside CELF Centre in the form of TA76 TA76 KLD and TA655 LK05 GHB 
Metroline TEH1219 LK61 BJV at CELF Centre
Things to note at CELF Centre today
  • 1 x Wrightbus Streetlite
  • 2 x 05 Reg TAs
  • 10x VWs for the 134
  • Refurbished DLD709
  • 2 x Scania Citylink Coaches


  1. Why are the new VW's blinded for Route 24? They haven't operated the Route for almost 5 years.

  2. I doubt the DLDs will move to AH, as they have had KC codes applied to them

  3. Tom, if you read the post properly rather than just clicking the pictures, you will find the answer to your question.

    Om, it seems feasible to me as DE994,1003,1013 and 1014 have all moved to KC. There are also 6 55 Plate DLDs sitting in the rear of AH's yard.

  4. Great posts, I like the new layout and cannot wait for those lovely TA's to come to Harrow Weald!

  5. What Olympic contracts will the refurbished DLD and TA buses be used for?

    And why do Olympic buses have no logos?

  6. Ah, so it's actually cheaper to leave empty blanks on the blinds?

  7. Had to do a double take when I saw the two Irish registered Citylink coaches! What on earth were they doing in London?

  8. Don't like the interior curved cove panels of the Streetlite. Makes it feel like the inside of a tube train - rather claustrophobic

  9. Metroline have regained the 24 from
    London General. Confirmed from the lots website.

  10. Abellio already having problems with the C2.Just like the 24 Metroline will regain it after 5 years.

  11. The route 24 will leave GO-Ahead and come to Metroline on the the 10th November 2012.

  12. Route 24 will probably be operated from their Holloway Garage using B5L Hyrbids and B9TL/Geminis.

  13. the Irish coaches were probably on Megabus duties.Metroline owns Citylink

  14. I never new metroline were getting route 24 again until I saw pictures Apparently there getting it on 10 November 2012 I'm happy they can use new wright buses love them

  15. What will they do with the TA's? I really miss them! I hate the new Volvo B9TL's on 266. Like I always say in my comments, new Enviro 400 and 400H (for 140 only) buses need to be purchased for Harrow Weald.

  16. Isn't DRZ9420 now with Arriva? Great Post!

  17. I totally agree new buses need to be bought for Harrow Weald it is like the forgotten bus garage of Metroline


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